Merchant Exporters & Impoters

We are highly experienced people in import and export of commodities like Metals, Engineering Goods, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals, Electrical items for transmission and distribution of Power as per customers requirements.

We are highly experienced people in import and export of commodities like Metals, Engineering Goods, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals, like Raw materials, Intermediate products, Catalytic chemicals, as per customers requirements.

For your every need of Metals, Engineering Goods, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals,For your every need of Metals, Engineering Goods, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals, like Raw materials, Intermediate products, Catalytic chemicals, Final Products Electrical items for transmission and distribution of Power, Please write us through e – Mail or by Post to the Chief Executive. We are provider of all kind of services and assistance to importers & exporters for the matters pertaining to New Market, Customs Clearance, DGFT etc.

For any kind of above services, please contact us by on email, Post or on Phone.